Book Segway Tours in Madrid

Enjoy the best Segway tours through the center of Madrid and discover with our expert guides all the secret corners of the capital of Spain. We also have Private Tours available.

Tour retiro magic

Retiro Magic

The most magical tour is the Retiro Park tour, ideal for birthdays and families.

Retiro Magic »

Tour downtown segway

Downtown Segway

Get to know the most cultural, historical, and emblematic Madrid in the most technological, ecological, and fun way.

Downtown Segway »

Tour esencial segway tour

Esencial Segway Tour

Is the tour that you cannot miss. It is the tour of the essentials in Madrid.

Esencial Segway Tour »

Tour gift card

Gift card

Give a Segway Tour to your friends or family. Choose the Tour you prefer and give it to that special person with a gift card that he can use when he prefers.

Gift card »