Route to the museums of art in Madrid

Art lovers, you can feel lucky. Today we are going to talk about 3 of the most important spanish art museums, which are also located in Madrid, so if you have a stopover in the capital of Spain do not miss this opportunity to visit them.

1. Museo del Prado

Located on the Paseo del Prado, between his walls you can find pictures of artist such as Goya, Rubens, Velázquez or el Greco. No wonder it is the most visited museum in Madrid.

Museo del prado madrid

2. Museo Reina Sofía

For lovers of contemporary art, in this museum you can see pictures of the best Spanish painters of the 20th century, such as Dalí, Miró and Pablo Picasso. The Reina Sofía museum is located on Santa Isabel street, next to the Atocha train station and among its most famous paintings stands out the amazing Guernica of Picasso.

Museo reina sofia madrid

3. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

Completing the triangle of Madrid art, we find this impressive collection of the Thyssen-Bornemisza family, which focuses mainly on foreign painters from the Gothic to the fifteenth century.

Museo thyssen madrid

And if you still have time, you can complete your route by visiting the Sorolla Museum. Long live art!

Happy weekend!

Madrid-Bike – Another way to explore Madrid

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